
We provide team members for Confined Space Entrant / Attendant work who understands the nature of the hazards that may be found inside a confined space and can recognize signs, symptoms and behavioural effects that workers in the confined space could experience.  

An attendant’s responsibilities include:

  • Monitoring entrants during the job and during entry and exit to help ensure their safety. The attendant may not abandon his post for any reason while personnel are in the space unless relieved by another qualified attendant.
  • Monitoring atmospheric conditions in the space prior to and during entry.
  • Controlling access to the confined space.
  • Summoning emergency assistance as needed.
  • Assessing hazards in and around the space.
  • Keeping records of confined space work, such as air test results, personnel entry/exit

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Provincial Fire and Safety strives to provide the highest quality educational experience by providing career emergency response instructors to guide you to success.  Remember, we bring the training to you. Contact us to schedule a course for your department.

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